
The web is equally divided between business, engineering and design requirements, unified with the goal of communication.

The ability to think simultaneously within both the realms of technology and design while tempering those forces with business goals is the Delux hallmark.

Delux develops clear designs, with the emphasis on usability. Although technically adept, we approach using technology to enable and further design.

Understanding the requirements and restraints of business is the key to realizing the benefits and opportunities of business


Consulting: Assist in all aspects of building an Internet presence

Design: Involved in all aspects or any subset of areas of web site design

Programming: Specializing in PERL, PHP, .NET C#, xhtml, css, XML, SQL

Representative clients

Lead a team of engineers and HTML producers that architected, designed and built a site-wide dynamic zone-aware content management system that emphasized near-total user transparency while maintaining ease of use for the webmaster. Integrated disparate web sites into a coherent intranational web presence. Arguably the first site-wide CMS ever deployed

Founded the research and development branch. Worked as liaison between design and technology. Lead the Advanced Projects team whose responsibilities included developing the first generation of new CNET sites.

Working from an outline of abstract marketing goals, developed functionality, workflow, design and user interface of a full-featured banking and investment web application. Helped develop the architecture and behavior of the back-end application.

User interface developer and user advocate. Developed DHTML/XSLT/XML web-applications, content pull & content management systems and client-side tools and applications. Converted vast quantities of legacy HTML, database and SGML content conversion into XML. Created AJAX before it was called AJAX.



Book: "Macintosh Web Browser Kit." written 1993 - 94 pub 1996, John Wiley & Sons, NY. At that time Netscape existed only as a student project called Mosaic. The book is slowly being revised and updated but will eventually be available for perusal here.

A short history of Delux Internet Systems Consultants

1993: "Anybody ever heard of the Web?" Oddly enough, just the evening before, a new web browser was released from the University of Illinois. I had downloaded Mosaic: what I saw made my head spin. I answered the call. About ten minutes later, I was writing a book about the newborn web for John Wiley & Sons, NY.

The only people who knew about the web back then were engineers and students. In the early days, good design on the web was practically non-existent. Quickly, though somewhat unwittingly, I became a creative and design consultant and webmaster. I began taking fewer system administration contracts and more web development contracts.

I began to understand that to have effective sites, smooth communication between design, with its intangibles such as negative space and eye tracking and engineering's concretes, such as event handling and hierarchical approach, was required. To gain this communication, I would have to learn the language of the engineer. This need, as well as having a number of clients requesting advanced capabilities from their site, prompted me to learn a number of programming languages.

Thinking that two sets of eyes were better than one; twenty sets better still, I formed the Internet Special Interest Group (ISIG) at BMUG (Berkeley Macintosh User's Group). I used the ISIG as a testing ground for my book's concepts and to gather news and rumors. It worked better than I could have expected. I came in contact with numerous venders, connected people and most importantly, those that would grow into being webmasters.

Contracts were originally for small entrepreneurs, but I soon grew into working for larger businesses. To help ease the load, I began sub-contracting other webmasters, programmers and designers. We worked within an informal structure where teams would be built, worked like mad, then disbanded. Most every group formed had a different constituency, depending on the needs of the contract. This became what is now called Delux Internet Systems.

Delux Internet Systems has, over time designed and built an array of technological wonders including Search Engines, Shopping carts, Dynamic site creating mechanisms, web-based site managment tools, etc.

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